Our nomiees

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Select a nominee in each of the 5 categories.
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Only one submission per person is accepted.

WeDeliver | customer orientation

We distinguish actions and projects with a positive impact on customer satisfaction, fostering partnership relations based on proximity, dedication and availability.

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WeInnovate | innovation

We reward the search for initiatives that, due to their creative character, can transform the organisation paradigm, focusing on methods, processes or human capital. It rewards ideas with a truly positive impact on the business, leading to exponential or sustainable growth and enhancing organisational transformation.

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WeUnite | team spirit

We reward exceptional collective attitudes towards a single objective. We recognise a project/work developed by a group of people who, through a collaborative spirit, promote synergies within the group, enhancing individual skills to achieve a common goal.

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WeLead | leadership

We value the ability to lead, motivate and inspire the team towards a common goal. We value a manager who leads by example, promoting motivated and focused teams, even in challenging times, being recognised by all as an example of leadership and determination.

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WeAre | being Nors

We value a conduct aligned with Nors character, based on transparency, ambition and a strong relational and human behaviour. We praise those who transform these attributes into daily premises. We want to recognize an employee involved with the organization's culture, with a strong sense of responsibility and who works ambitiously and with integrity, fostering relationships based on trust and partnership with all peers.

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